Thursday, May 6, 2010

Goodbye: Genuinely Special

“A goodbye is never painful unless you’re never going to say hello again.” Goodbye messages could be conveyed through speech, songs, and actions and even on written materials like cards. Some may experience a painful one; some sorrowful; some are more than happy; most of us, casual. What took place last Friday was genuinely special to me.

My calendar marked 22nd of May, 2009. The time on my watch on my right hand read 0230 hrs. “There goes another scout camp” I said to myself as Daniel and I made our way to our HMC Leadership Camp camper’s spot. A Daniel and I were making our way down to the lower foyer of campus; we observe a pool of people. Some are campers, some are non-campers. Well, the honest, there was a group of friends waiting to bid goodbye, but I could clearly spot one alone. As soon as my eyes caught hers, a smiled took shape with a wave following behind it. She did the same in resonance.

To start off with, we didn’t say much to each other. We just kept smiling to each other. Our language was non-verbal, convergent in a way that only we understood it was on a high note; we were just delighted to see each other, at least which apply to me. It truly meant something to me, it was sweet. And I believe anyone who has been in my position would agree on this as well. The whole scene itself was a language to me that says, “See you soon, ok? Do take care.” We managed to have a group photo before we campers were ushered to the hall for briefing.
As I turned to say goodbye, just before I walk on and never look back, I saw her waving. The sight of her standing still, waving with a smile was just enough to melt me like a candle wax. There were no physical contact, no hand shake, no our usual high five. Just a wave and that was enough. The effort to be there was just significant already.

I think that you don’t need to say much to express what’s on the inside. Human communication does not only involve speech, which is verbal communication, but also emotion, which falls under non-verbal communication. All you need to do is to be psychologically in tuned to the same frequency. That way, any messages could be sent and would not be perceived wrongly. And with the same understood language as an enhancement to communication? You can be sure to avoid any form of communication break down.

When I came out, all my friends weren’t there anymore; she wasn’t there either. Well, she had a class to catch, all in all we’re all students. At anytime, studies overwrite what comes next. I understood that perfectly well. Besides, we’re just good friends at the moment. Anything extra is just the extended version of it.

It’s special to know that you have friends that appreciate you, and be there when you need them to be. And it’s even special when that someone special to you does the same thing. Human Communication is just a mystery. In this case, it’s pure special. What happened that day was just indescribable. The best I could come up with is just ‘Genuinely Special’.
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-DJ Damian Thomas Khaw

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